Squaw Creek Resevoir & Ray Roberts Lake

Squaw Creek Resevoir

Texas. N32° 19.279' W97° 47.292' is a 3,200 acre power plant lake located on Highway 144 between Granbury and Glen Rose, Texas.

About 40 minutes from Fort Worth this small reservoir fishes large because of the warm water temperatures, especially in the colder months.It offers fly fishing some of the very best smallmouth and largemouth bass fishing in Texas. Squaw Creek water is usually very clear and is ideal for the fly fishing angler, it has an abundance of rock and timber filled shoreline providing a break line close to the bank. Because of this cover and the drop into relative deep water it encourage bass to feed and hold close to the bank.Fly fishing on Squaw Creek is great in October. Come November, bass begin to hold near the major and secondary points at the dam and around mid-lake.

Around the warm water discharge at the dam the first fish spawn. Before heading off to Squaw Creek check with the local authorities because sometimes the reservoir is closed to the public

Ray Roberts Lake

Texas. it's located on the Elm Fork of the Trinity River, 10 miles north of Denton off FM 455. The dam is in Denton County but pushes water into Cook and Grayson counties. It covers over 29,000 acres and reaches a depth of just over 100 feet. The predominant fish are largemouth bass, white bass, channel catfish, crappie, and sunfish. A restaurant and a marina are located at Sanger Park. There are boat ramps, with campsites, and picnic areas at the Johnson Branch Unit and the Isle du Bois Unit .

There are also ramps at Buck Creek, Pond Creek, Jordan Park, Pecan Creek, and Sanger Park. There are fees associated with all except Pecan Creek, they ask only for a donation.

There is a lot of floating and submersed aquatic vegetation in Ray Roberts Lake also there are brush piles, rocks, boulders, stumps and inundated ponds and dams. all providing those spots favoured by the the Bass. In the colder months go for a jig and pig combo around the deeper submerged spots. Spring time use a Carolina rigged worm or lizard in the shallower reaches of the feeder creeks in the arm of the Isle du Bois Creek.

In June and July the Bass like the areas around the base of flooded trees in 25 feet of water, try vertical jigging. Jerk baits, crank baits, and spinners are great in the Fall. Sunfish hang around flooded brush or rocks, use live worm baits for the best success..

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